Dangerous Tree Removal
Experts in diagnosing & managing hazardous trees, ensuring safety of property while preserving the natural beauty of your trees.
Experts in diagnosing & managing hazardous trees, ensuring safety of property while preserving the natural beauty of your trees.
At County Tree Care we are tree care experts. We know how to diagnose dangerous trees and how to manage them after that. Not all compromised trees need to be removed, thankfully. The risk however is always relative to the 'target'. This is the area that would be affected if the tree was to fail.
If it is a playground, a roadway, a walkway, a house then these are obviously important targets and the decision making is relative to this. A diseased or hazard tree in the middle of a field far away from everything is treated differently. You will often see in Arboretums trees that are just hanging in there and they haven't been felled as the aesthetic and cultural benefits might be great. These trees would have had work done to them over the years to preserve them, and your trees too can be treated the same way. It begins with the customers' awareness firstly. This means that as a person who has large trees then you have a responsibility to manage them properly.
The next step is to call County Tree Care and we will arrange to call out to you free of charge. On site whether it is your house or a building site we can give you the best advice that you will need. We can do a Tree Survey for you and put together a Tree Report. We can do any work that you need done. We are qualified, insured and experienced in carrying out large scale roadside operations, crane and hoist operations, site clearance and precision felling. We understand and are experts in tree pruning which include crown reductions, crown thinning, crown raising, target pruning, limb removal and even light trimming if needed. See TREE SURVEYS for more information on this.
A tree may be called a hazardous tree when the tree or any of its branches is likely to fall and affect people or property. You may use these warning features to determine tree risks in advance of a calamity. Large dead branches, detached branches still hanging in the tree, cavities or rotten wood along the trunk, fungus/mushrooms at the base of the tree that signifies rot, cracking or splitting in the trunk or branch points, fallen branches or nearby fallen trees, leaning or especially increasing leaning, high branch density from a small section of the trunk, roots exposed by lowered soil, pavement or digging, premature leaf discolouration or shrinkage.